When Your Pet Gets Stung

A bee or wasp sting to your pet can cause facial swelling, hives, and itchiness, which often go away on their own. But symptoms that worsen or a sting that sends your pet into anaphylactic shock require immediate medical attention. Early signs of anaphylactic shock include panting, rapid heart rate, and sudden diarrhea, vomiting, or urination.

Other symptoms for your get-to-the-ER-now list include: breathing difficulty, bleeding, pale gums (a sign the animal has anemia or is in shock), weakness, any sign of physical pain, or an animal that collapses.
On the fence about whether your dog or cat needs care? Err on the side of caution, Jandrey advises. "Peace of mind is better than undertreating any malady."

Read more here: webmd.com

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